Thank you for dropping by. While I'm busy working on a full website, please read on and find out about me, why I started Zest OF: YOU, how I can help you, and how to stay in touch. Lastly please request the fun mini-self-care guide I've created so I can let you know when my full website is ready.
Thanks again, Ola Fagbohun - Founder

Hi, I'm Ola. I founded and run Zest OF: You, here's a little about me

Photos of Ola Fagbohun
Ola Fagbohun qualifications and training

In October 2020, the pandemic gave me the opportunity to pivot my career and start ZEST OF: YOU so I can focus on my dual interests of health behaviour change and gender health equity.

The goal of this edition of my life is to provide all women and girls, whose voices are often under-represented, over-looked and under-valued, access to ZEST OF: YOU’s creative, engaging and motivating health and wellness service and experience, so they can make sustainable behaviour change that leads to improved physical, emotional and mental health and well-being for themselves and their families.

However, to start off with I’m focusing on supporting midlife women like me, who want this stage of their life to be one where they strive to achieve their health and wellness goals, so they can live a more purposeful, peaceful and pleasurable life as they age. 

N.B. Please get in touch if you would like to talk to me about supporting your midlife employees or users of your community services. 

As well as over 20 years in marketing research and behaviour change,  I have obtained relevant qualifications and training (see column on the left).

I’m also volunteering as a trustee for Sheffield Occupational Health Association, helping people with long term, progressive and terminal health conditions to stay in work, on the Findacure Patient Engagement Committee (a rare disease support organisation), as a Macmillan cancer well-being coach supporting the well-being of people living or caring for someone with a cancer diagnosis; encouraging women and girls to get more active, as a member of Sheffield and Hallamshire Football Association Inclusion Group and as a This Girl Can Ambassador co-leading a women’s couch to 5K jogging group.

The last thing to say is, I’ve been where you are, I’m not super fit, I love cake and I sometimes have low emotional well-being.

About ZOY for website

Zest OF:You has helped others like you.

"I was dubious about health coaching at the start, but not after meeting with Ola. I can talk forever, and Ola gave me the space to talk, something I didn't realise I was missing. I learnt a lot about myself as a cancer surviver, most of all that I'm still me."
Kemi B (55)
Breast Cancer Surviver

"Ola understood that I find it hard to change my diet and exercise. She listened to me and helped me to see that I can make small changes, which are a good start. I now feel better about managing my diabetes, and my doctor is happy with me."
Amanda C (43)

"I enjoyed the checklists, guides and activities I did with Ola. She didn't judge or patronise me. Working with her, I have a better idea of how to handle the things that make me angry and sad. And I've started walking, and it is helping to keep me calm and lower by blood pressure."
Adama B (54)
High Blood Pressure


Thank you for visiting Zest OF: You!

While I’m working on getting our new website ready, we’d like to share six pages of fun and creative self-care activities with you.


I also promise to let you know when my full website is live.

Cover of Zest of you self-care activities mini ebook

Get your FREE
Self-Care Activity eBook

The Zest OF: You self-care activity ebook full of easy, fun and creative ways to make time for yourself everyday!



Tell me where to send it.



Note: By entering your email address, you agree to be notified when the Zest OF: You website goes live. I will only use your email address for that purpose only.

Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE Self-care activity ebook:

The #1 Most Important Thing is...

... to be honest with yourself. If you truly want to make healthier lifestyle changes to improve your overall health and well-being, you'll have to make time for yourself. Start by taking an honest assessment of yourself and what you want with our 'Self-Care Q&A' on 'page 3' and 'My Top 5 Life Goals,' on 'page 4'.

A Little Known Fact ...

Gratitude and having fun can help you have a more positive attitude and emotions, cherish your good times and build resilience, all of which help to improve your mental and physical health. Go to 'page 6' and pick an emoji that best fits your day, then create a 'Today Was Special because..." list to keep track of things you are grateful for each day.

It's Important to Cherish Yourself

Don't be afraid to put yourself first once in a while, it's not being selfish. For example, give yourself a day off doing for everyone else. If that's too drastic, check out 'page 5' to find our list of 'Self-care activities,' for some other ideas.

The Power of Self-compassion

When dealing with the challenges of physical and/or emotional health it's no surprise when it impacts how we feel about ourselves. Check out 'page 7' and see how many things you can tick/cross off our 'Self-esteem Bingo'. Don't beat yourself up if you don't find yourself shouting bingo, work at your own pace.

Woman holding pink card saying time for me

Get your FREE Self-Care Activity eBook!

Tell me where you’d like me to send it!

Note: By entering your email address, you agree to be notified when the Zest OF: You website goes live.

I will use your email address for that purpose only.

Stay and get in touch to find out how I can help you creatively acheive
your health & wellness goals.

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